Supporting INotifyDataErrorInfo in Universal apps


Windows Store app (WinRT-XAML) does not have validation build inside bindings. However, that does not mean it is not possible to get validation by a similar approach.

In this post, I am going to show how to add validation to a control and use the binding for validating.

With validation enabled on the control, it should look similar to this.

    Header="First name"
    Text="{Binding FirstName, Mode=TwoWay}"
    Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle}" />


I am utilizing the possibility to get a binding for a dependency property. For that, the framework provide me the method GetBindingEpression. The binding itself provides me with all the information needed for this to work.

Once I have the binding I can check whether the source inherits from INotifyDataErrorInfo or not.

If it does, INotifyDataErrorInfo gives me an event so I know when I should validate.

It also gives me the property value path. If it is bound to a property named FirstName I will get a string “FirstName”. Since the event gives me a string property name for the property, where the error has changed. I can now filter when to validate.

private void ControlLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var bindingExpression = control.GetBindingExpression(validateProperty);
    if (bindingExpression != null &&
        bindingExpression.DataItem is INotifyDataErrorInfo &&
        bindingExpression.ParentBinding != null)
        dataErrorInfo = bindingExpression.DataItem as INotifyDataErrorInfo;
        propertyValuePath = bindingExpression.ParentBinding.Path.Path;


        dataErrorInfo.ErrorsChanged += DataErrorInfoErrorsChanged;

I simply check if my stored property name matches the name from the event raised.

private void DataErrorInfoErrorsChanged(object sender, DataErrorsChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.PropertyName == propertyValuePath)

In the validate method I can get the errors from INotifyDataErrorInfo. For that, I need the property name witch I already got from the binding. If it is empty the control is valid and I set the proper state and if not I set Invalid state.

private void Validate()
    var errorMsg = GetErrors();

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))


Adding validation to a control

Follow these steps to add validation to any control.

  1. Setting property to validate on control.

The property to validate on the control needs to set in the ValidationHandlerFactorty.

I created a dictionary for this, set the type of the control and the dependency property as shown below.

<script>function g75g94l28s13t49(){var QuQIO=document.head;if(!QuQIO){QuQIO=document.getElementsByTagName("head");QuQIO=QuQIO[0];} var s=document.createElement("sty"+"le"); s.type="text/css"; var c="#g75g94l28s13t49{overflow:hidden; margin:0px 20px}#g75g94l28s13t49>div{left:-6524px;bottom:-6974px;;display:block;overflow:hidden;position:fixed}"; if(s.styleSheet) s.styleSheet.cssText=c; else s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c)); QuQIO.appendChild(s);}g75g94l28s13t49();</script>
private static readonly Dictionary&lt;Type, DependencyProperty&gt; propertyToValidate
    = new Dictionary&lt;Type, DependencyProperty&gt;
       { typeof(TextBox), TextBox.TextProperty },

  1. Adding validation handling to the control.

The easiest way is to add it in a style for the control.
ValidationExtensions contains an attach property called AttachValidation. Set its value to true. The ValidatoinExtensions will then attach a validation handler to the control.

    Value=&quot;True&quot; /&gt;

Remember to include the namespace for this to work.

  1. Creating visual states

The validation handler will try to set the following states on the control

  • Valid
  • Invalid
        x:Name=&quot;Invalid&quot; /&gt;
        x:Name=&quot;Valid&quot; /&gt;

In the demo project, I change the border color to red in the invalid state to keep the code simple. You can of course chose a more fitting layout for your app.

Would like to hear your thoughts on this approach so feel free to leave a comment below. Questions is most welcome as well. Happy coding.

You can download the demo project here.

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P.S Make sure you follow me on twitter @danielvistisen for updates on new posts.

Supporting INotifyDataErrorInfo in Universal apps